Withdrawal from bariatric treatment – an analysis under various demographic conditions
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Department of General, Gastroenterological and Oncological Surgery, Collegium Medicum, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland
Department of Balneology and Physical Medicine, Collegium Medicum, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland
Corresponding author
Jacek Szeliga   

Department of General, Gastroenterological and Oncological Surgery, Collegium Medicum, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2016;23(4):688-691
Poland is high on a list of countries affected by epidemics of obesity, a problem that has especially suddenly increased in the post-transformation period.

Material and Methods:
Documentation of 115 subsequent patients diagnosed with grade 3 obesity, considered eligible for surgical treatment, was analysed since 2015. A subgroup of 68 patients was selected from this group and the included patients who decided to cancel their treatment at various stages. Their history since presentation at the obesity treatment centre, BMI with its history, age, education and place of residence were analysed, followed by a telephone survey. 42 patients were finally contacted. Special attention was placed on the analysis of patients taking into account their place of residence. Patients were divided into inhabitants of rural and urban areas.

In the study group of 68 patients, 19 (27.9%) were inhabitants of rural areas and 49 (72.1%) of urban areas. Women accounted for 67.6%, and men for 32.4%. The mean age of patients when they presented for treatment was 43 years. On average, men presented 5 years later compared to women. The mean BMI on qualification for treatment of obesity was 47.6 kg/m2. The mean BMI max – 49.6 kg/m2. There were no differences regarding education in both populations. Despite the lack of differences regarding changes in the BMI since withdrawal from treatment, as many as 63% of patients from rural areas reached the BMI max in this time.

There were demographic differences between the degree of obesity observed among patients receiving bariatric treatment, and inhabitants of urban areas were favoured. Patients from rural areas who withdrew from bariatric treatment and were left without medical care significantly more often achieved their maximum body weight, when compared to those living in urban areas. The active participation of physicians, both specialists and general practitioners, in the life of obese patients is imperative.
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