Variation in ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) pollen concentration in central Croatia, 2002-2003.
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Research Department, Zagreb Institute of Public Health, Croatia
National Weather Bureau, Zagreb, Croatia
Department of Botany, School of Science, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
Corresponding author
Renata Peternel
Research Department, Zagreb Institute of Public Health, Croatia
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2005;12(1):11-16
The aim of the study was to determine the onset, duration and termination of the ragweed pollen season; intradiurnal, daily and monthly pollen variation, and possible differences in the occurrence and concentration of ragweed pollen according to sampling sites between 2002 and 2003.The study was conducted at three sampling sites in central Croatia over two pollen seasons (2002 and2003) using the volumetric method of sampling (Hirst type sampler). In 2003, the ragweed pollen season was by 43 % longer and the percentage proportion of ragweed pollen by 3.4 % greater in comparison with 2002. The total ragweed pollen count and number of days with ragweed pollen concentration greater than 30 pollen grains per m3 air showed a declining tendency from East to West in both seasons. The intradiurnal peak concentration occurred between 10.00-14.00. The air concentration of ragweed pollen decreased with temperature decline and precipitation. Results of the study provided useful information to individuals allergic to ragweed pollen thereby allowing them to adjust their outdoor activities to avoid contact with the allergen.