Usage of leisure time by disabled males and females from the Lublin Region
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State School of Higher Education, Biała Podlaska, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2013;20(2):341-345
Introduction. Free time in the life of both the disabled and those who are able bodied is the time of leisure, recovery and entertainment. The disabled utilize more energy and strength for everyday functioning compared to the able bodied, therefore, an adequate managing of the leisure time they possess is of great importance. This is confirmed by the latest results of American studies. Objectives. The primary objective of the presented study is the presentation of the various of managing and organizing leisure time among disabled males and females living in the Lublin Region, with the consideration of statistical significance. Materials and method. A total of 360 disabled people were examined – 187 females and 173 males, with physical, mental, complex and sensory disability. The study was conducted by a diagnostic survey with the use of a questionnaire form. Results. The results of own studies show small variation in the aspects of managing and organizing free time according to the respondents’ gender. During their leisure time, both males and females watch TV, listen to the radio, read books and go for walks. They obtain information concerning offers for spending free time from the media, specialist institutions, associations and acquaintances, and expect assistance in the organization of their leisure time from specialist institutions, associations, and family members. The respondents are most interested in participating in a stay in a rehabilitation spa, permanent activities for the disabled, and trips. To-date they have participated in walking tours, bicycle tours, outdoor bivouacs and pilgrimages in the company of their family members and friends.
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