Urinary 1-hydroxypyrene in occupationally-exposed and non-exposed individuals in Silesia, Poland
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Jagiellonian University Medical College, Dep. Hygiene and Dietetics
Toxicological Laboratory, Diagnostics Department, University Hospital, Kraków, Poland
Laboratory of Poison Information and Toxicological Analysis, Department of Toxicology and Environmental Disease, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
Corresponding author
Joanna Zając   

Jagiellonian University Medical College, Department Hygiene and Dietetics, Kraków, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2018;25(4):625-629
The aim of presented study was comparison of urinary 1-hydroxypyrene concentration among coke plant workers (before and after working week) and among non-exposed individuals from the same area, taking smoking status into consideration.

Material and methods:
647 coke plant workers and 206 individuals living in the same area were analysed with respect to urinary 1-OHP concentration and smoking status. Urinary samples were measured using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with fluorescent detection. Concentrations were normalized with respect to creatinine concentration. For workers, two samples were collected before and after working week. Multiple regression was performed to distinguish and quantify the influence of cigarette smoking and occupational PAH exposition on the urinary 1-OHP levels.

Average urinary 1-OHP concentration of samples collected before the working week was: 1.07 μg/g; after the working week: 2.36 μg/g and for control: 0.74 μg/g. The samples collected at the beginning of the working week were not suitable for assessment of the workers’ background (non-occupational) exposition. Smoking cigarettes induced a rise in urinary 1-OHP level by 16%, on average (CI: 5% – 28%), and working for a whole working week at the coke plant made urinary 1-OHP levels, on average, 3.21 times higher (CI: 2.91 – 3.54).

Working at the coke plant increases significantly urinary 1-OHP concentration in comparison to non-occupationally exposed individuals, both for samples collected before and after the working week. Smoking remains a significant source of PAHs exposition, despite the fact that occupational exposure is greater. Health promotion programmes should address both the occupational health risks reduction and smoking prevention.
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