Unusual presentation of the urogenital myiasis caused by Luciliasericata (Diptera: Calliphoridae)
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Department of Urology, Medical Faculty and L.Pasteur University Hospital, PJ Šafárik University, Republic of Slovakia
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Vincent Nagy   

Department of Urology, Medical Faculty and L.Pasteur University Hospital, PJ Šafárik University, Republic of Slovakia
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2012;19(4):802-804
Introduction and objective:
The case report describes the unusual presentation of the urogenital myiasis caused by Luciliasericata in two Slovakian men.

Material and Methods:
The first patient, aged 66, who suffered from a locally advanced and inoperable urinary bladder dedifferentiated TCC with bilateral ureteral obstruction, chronic renal insufficiency and non-functioning left kidney. After surgical exploration the patient developed a malignant vesico-intestino-cutaneous fistula with stool leakage through the open wound. Because of very poor hygiene, and unsatisfactory attendance by staff, a fly deposited ova in the patient’s necrotic wound. The patient died three months later of metastatic cancer disease. The second patient, a 43-year old homeless alcoholic male had gangrene of the scrotum and penis, urethro-cutaneous urinary fistula with numerous live and motile larvae on the surfaces. In both patients, some larvae were removed and sent to the lab for identification. The larvae were identified as maggots of the fly Luciliasericata. Antibiotic therapy, disinfection and debridement with sterile covering of the wound were used.

For both patients, complex treatment of myiasis was successful and patient recovered without parasitic consequences.

To our knowledge, this is the first report of the unusual presentation of the urogenital myiasis in Slovakian men with poor social habits and hygiene.
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