Total hip arthroplasty in the treatment of degenerative disorders in rural and urban patients – A retrospective, randomised and controlled study
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Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Biała Podlaska, Academy of Physical Education, Warsaw, Poland
Orthopaedic Department, Medical Centre for Postgraduate Education, Independent Public Hospital, Otwock, Poland
University of Social Science, Warsaw, Poland
Jozef Pilsudski University of Physical Eduction, Warsaw, Poland
Psychology Department, Military Institute of Aviation Medicine, Warsaw, Poland
Corresponding author
Aleksandra Truszczyńska   

Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Biała Podlaska, Academy of Physical Education, Warsaw, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2015;22(1):102-105
Farming is hard work which may lead to overstrain and osteoarthritis of the hip and knee. Hip osteoarthritis has been rarely discussed in the Polish literature.

The objective of the study was to determine the differences in hip osteoarthritis in urban and rural patients. The differences concern: prevalence, etiology, degree of degeneration and time spent in hospital.

Material and Methods:
Hospital records of 200 patients were analysed who were divided into 2 groups. Group A consisted of 79 rural patients: 39 males (49.4%) and 40 females (50.6%), mean age 66.09 (±9.48), mean BMI – 27.26 (±4.47). Group B consisted of 121 urban patients: 51 males (42.1%), and 70 females (57.9%), mean age 67.74 (±8.88); mean BMI – 27.33 (±4.21).

There were no differences observed regarding hospitalization times, but statistically significant differences were noted concerning the causes of osteoarthritis in both the rural and urban patients. No statistically significant differences were found between the types of prosthetic implants.

1) There are no differences between rural and urban patients who received surgical treatment for hip osteoarthritis, although more patients operated upon were urban patients. 2) The degree of hip degeneration was greater in rural patients.
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