The use of mineral waters in rehabilitating patients with coronavirus disease – a review
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Research Institute of Medical Rehabilitation and Resort Therapy of the Ministry of Health, Odesa, Ukraine
Military Clinical Hospital No. 1 with Polyclinic, Independent Public Health Care Unit, Lublin, Poland
Faculty of Health Sciences, Higher School, Radom, Poland
These authors had equal contribution to this work
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Lidia Elżbieta Sierpińska   

Command, Military Clinical Hospital No. 1 with Polyclinic, Independent Public Health Care Unit, Lublin, Poland
Introduction and objective:
The review aimed to consider evidence of the effectiveness of using mineral waters in the rehabilitation of patients who have had a coronavirus disease.

Review methods:
The study was registered on PROSPERO (CRD42023438740). Relevant studies were systematically reviewed, based on randomized controlled trials with meta-analysis that included at least one group receiving mineral waters (MW). General scientific papers and regulatory documents on health care in Ukraine, including rehabilitation and resort resources, and rehabilitation protocols after the coronavirus disease, were also used for the analysis. Search for articles and other scientific works published in English and Ukrainian from 1994 to 5 February 2023, was conducted in the following databases: Pubmed, Web of Science, and Scopus. Dual data abstraction, quality assessment, and strength of evidence was also performeds. The results were evaluated of using various mineral waters in the rehabilitation of patients with complications of COVID-19 disease.

Brief description of the state of knowledge:
Most of the studies (28%) are devoted to the use of mineral waters for complications of the respiratory system. 12% of papers were devoted to the pathology of the musculoskeletal system, 10% to chronic fatigue (asthenia), anxiety-depressive, and other neuropsychiatric disorders, 9% to еру cardiovascular system, and 8% to dermatological problems.

Differentiated use of balneotherapy, considering the composition of MW, temperature, and the frequency of their application, allows for increasing the effectiveness of rehabilitation of post-Covid-19 complications of various organs and systems of the body.
This review article is a part of the budgetary research work of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine ‘Development of differentiated personalized rehabilitation complexes for patients after Coronavirus infection at the sanatorium-resort stage’ (State Registration No. 0122U001261).
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