The role of weight training in treating farmers with lumbar discopathy
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Physical Culture Centre, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2012;19(4):817-820
Weight training can have a very positive impact on the body by improving both the functioning of internal organs and motor coordination. Weakening of the muscles leads to spinal pain, which in turn reduces one’s mobility, this further decreasing muscular strength. Weight training can be used to treat both motor dysfunction and lumbar pain, but it is crucial to combine it with flexibility exercises. The aim of the presented study is to demonstrate the need for including physical exercises into the rehabilitation of patients diagnosed with degenerative disc disease in the lumbar vertebrae.

Material and Methods:
The research was carried out on 120 patients who were agricultural workers. Each of them had been diagnosed as qualifying for surgery due to a herniated nucleus pulposus at the L4/L5 and L5/S1 levels. After all conventional methods had been tried, strength exercises were applied. The equipment used for the exercises included a multi- gym, dumbbells, weight training rods with plates chosen for a particular groups of muscles. General fitness exercises were also a part of the programme.

The observed results indicate that, sooner or later, weight training leads to full recovery and as such is therapeutically indispensable. By developing antagonistic and synergistic muscular actions, exercises bring relief and allow reduction in the intake of analgesic drugs. As a result, all the patients recuperated. It should be remembered that one week’s immobilization reduces muscle strength and endurance by 20%. All the patients who enrolled in the weight training programme were able to avoid back surgery. Systematic exercises improved their neuro-muscular coordination.
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