The role of emotional intelligence in attitudes towards elderly patients – Comparative study of medical students from rural and urban areas
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Department of Didactics and Medical Simulation, Medical University, Lublin, Poland
Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Psychology, John Paul II Catholic University, Lublin, Poland
Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Sociology, John Paul II Catholic University, Lublin, Poland
Laboratory of Biostructure, Medical University, Lublin, Poland
Corresponding author
Krzysztof Jurek   

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Sociology, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2020;27(1):134-138
Medical care in geriatrics has its own specificity, and in order to build a successful doctor-patient relationship it is important while studying medicine to learn some functioning aspects of this age group.

The aim of this study is to explore and describe the role of emotional intelligence in the attitudes of medical students towards elderly patients, taking into account their the place of residence. The place of residence has an impact on social relations and socialization, which could effect with disparities in behaviour towards elderly patients.

Material and methods:
Medical University of Lublin students from rural (N=71; M=23.44 SD=1.80) and urban (N=87; M=23.34; SD=1.38) areas took part in the study. Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (INTE) and Attitude Towards Elderly Patients Questionnaire (ATEP) were used.

There are statistically significant differences between medical students from rural and urban areas in their attitude towards elderly patients (p=0.001), but no differences were observed between rural and urban residents in terms of emotional intelligence (general result, action factor and cognitive factor). Positive correlations were observed between action factor (r=0.322), cognitive factor (r=0.311) and general INTE result (r=0.358) and attitude towards elderly patients in the group of medical students from rural area.

Medical students from rural areas are characterized by a more positive attitude towards elderly patients than medical students from urban areas. The predictors of attitudes towards elderly patients are the cognitive factor of emotional intelligence and the place of residence of medical students. The results give the opportunity to design a well-developed programme of a geriatric course which could be matched to the personal predispositions of students.
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