The physiotherapeutic context of loss of dominant arm function due to occupational accidents
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Department of Rheumatology and Rehabilitation, Poznań University of Medical Sciences, Poland
University of Computer Sciences and Skills Lodz, Poland
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Anna Kostiukow   

Department of Rheumatology and Rehabilitation, Poznań University of Medical Sciences, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2016;23(4):625-630
The study examines the problem of dominant arm function loss in rural adult patients due to work-related accidents. The types of risks involved in farmyard work include falling from a height, manually moving loads, overturning/accident whilst driving an agricultural tractor, noise and vibration, use of pesticides, and the risk of being cut or injured. The study focuses on adaptation of the non-dominant arm.

The main aim of the study was evaluation of visual-motor coordination on the basis of performance of the non-dominant hand in patients after the loss of function of the dominant arm.

Material and Methods:
The research sample consisted of 52 patients with a permanent or temporary loss of function or severely limited function of the dominant arm. The subjects were patients with arm amputations due to various occupational injuries sustained while operating agricultural and construction machinery and forestry equipment, following traumas or complicated medical surgeries of the arm, or due to car accidents. The following tests were applied in the analysis: I) Dufour cross-shaped apparatus test for assessing visual motor-coordination; II) paper-and-pencil tests and the Relay Baton motor fitness test; III) anthropometric measurements; IV) Edinburgh Handedness Inventory; and V) a questionnaire survey.

The results of the apparatus and motor tests indicate the same tendency: reaction to stimuli measured on the basis of performance of the non-dominant arm is longer in shorter and older patients.

Visual-motor coordination, as measured by the performance of the non-dominant arm, is significantly affected by the subject’s body height and arm length.
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