The direct costs of drug-induced skin reactions
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Department of Dermatology, Military Institute of Medicine, Warsaw, Poland
Department of Immunology and Allergology, Military Institute of Medicine, Warsaw, Poland
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Monika Szkultecka – Dębek   

Department of Dermatology, Military Institute of Medicine, Warsaw, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2017;24(2):190-193
The aim of the study was an assessment of direct costs of patients hospitalised for for skin adverse drug reactions during 2002–2012 in the Department of Dermatology at the Military Institute of Medicine (Ministry of Defence) in Warsaw. The analysis was carried out from the perspectives of the public payer and service provider.

Material and Methods:
The retrospective study was carried out in a group of 164 adult patients due to skin adverse drug reactions. Analysis was based on data from patient medical records and medical orders which provided information on the used resources, including diagnostic tests, medical consultations, medicinal products, hospitalisation duration, together with cost estimation, regardless of the treatment being the cause of the skin reaction.

According to the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems(ICD) diagnosis and scores, assigned by the National Healthcare Fund, it has been estimated that patient hospitalisation at the Department of Dermatology for skin drug reaction incurred costs at the average amount of €717.00 per patient. The complex diagnostics and pharmacotherapy of the same group of patients generated costs for the hospital at the average amount of €680 per patient.

As a result of the analysis, the therapy for skin adverse drug effects generates significant costs, both for the payer and the service provider. Since the costs are comparable, it seems that the pricing of medical procedures by the public payer is adequate for the costs incurred by the medical service provider.
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