The breast-conserving surgery of women with breast cancer in Podlaskie Voivodeship (Poland). Population study
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Department of Public Health, Medical University of Bialystok, Poland
Department for Health Problems of Ageing, Institute of Rural Health in Lublin, Poland
National Institute of Public Health – National Institute of Hygiene, Warsaw, Poland
Higher School of Public Health, Zielona Góra, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2013;20(2):395-400
Introduction. The results of breast cancer treatment depend mainly on better detection in mammography screening and, consequently, a higher proportion of women with early stage of the disease. They depend also on a better access to health care services and the effectiveness of oncological treatment. One of the methods of breast cancer control is a breast-conserving surgery. With a proper patients’ classification for the treatment, the results of the breast-conserving surgery do not differ in relation to mastectomy. That’s why, the availability of breast-conserving surgical methods is particularly important, especially in a population in which a population screening is conducted. Objective. The analysis of the selected aspects of the breast cancer treatment’s standard in Podlaskie Voivodeship. Patients and methods. In years 2001–2002, 709 cases of women with breast cancer were reported to the Voivodeship Cancer Registry in Bialystok. 659 women were diagnosed with a primary invasive breast cancer. Based on a cohort of 499 women treated with radical methods the following indicators, recommended by WHO for the evaluation of the breast-conserving surgery’s availability, were calculated: a percentage of patients with whom breast-conserving surgery was used, a proportion of breast cancer cases receiving post-operative breast radiotherapy after breast-conserving surgery and a proportion of breast-conserving surgery in pT1 cases. Results. The breast-conserving surgery has been used much less frequently in Podlaskie Voivodeship than in Western Europe, but more frequently than in Poland in general. Conclusion. It should be aimed to provide a surgical treatment with the use of breast-conserving surgical methods to the highest possible percentage of patients. The increase of the percentage of patients treated with breast-conserving surgery methods can be a result of an effective screening realisation.
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