Telemedicine services in the work of a doctor, dentist, nurse and midwife – analysis of legal regulations in Poland and the possibility of their implementation on the example of selected European countries
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Department of Civil Procedure, Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Szczecin, Poland
Department of Medical Law of the Social Medicine Chair, Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland
Department of Social Medicine and Public Health of the Social Medicine Chair, Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland
Department of Clinical Nursing, Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland
Corresponding author
Marta Kożybska   

Department of Medical Law of the Social Medicine Chair, Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2020;27(4):680-688
Introduction and objective:
The aim of the study is to discuss the legal framework for telemedicine services in Poland, and to present telemedicine solutions used in selected European countries.

Material and Methods:
The analysis of legal cts was chosen as a research method in order to determine legal possibilities for medical professionals to use telemedicine services. A literature review was undertaken to demonstrate the possibilities of telemedicine as used in the United Kingdom, Germany, Norway, The Netherlands and Sweden.

The Act on the professions of a doctor and a dentist states that the doctor and the dentist can perform their profession via ICT systems or communication systems. The doctor is obliged to practice in accordance with current medical knowledge and available methods. ‘Available methods’ include considering information and communication measures that may allow prevention, recognition or treatment. The Act on the profession of a nurse and a midwife states that the nurse and midwife perform the professions using current medical knowledge and the mediation of ICT systems or communication systems. Thus, the legislator has clearly authorized persons performing these professions to provide services in the field of telemedicine. However, despite the existence of a legal basis for using telemedicine, its development in Poland is not as high as in the United Kingdom, Germany, Norway, The Netherlands or Sweden.

The legislator gradually introduces legal solutions necessary for the development of telemedicine services, although the pace of these changes, as well as building the technical infrastructure that is the basis for the proper provision of telemedicine services, are too slow.
Flaga-Gieruszyńska K, Kożybska M, Osman T, Radlińska I, Zabielska P, Karakiewicz-Krawczyk K, Jurczak A, Karakiewicz B. Telemedicine services in the work of a doctor, dentist, nurse and midwife – analysis of legal regulations in Poland and the possibility of their implementation on the example of selected European countries. Ann Agric Environ Med. 2020; 27(4): 680–688. doi: 10.26444/aaem/116587
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