Stroke epidemiology based on experience from Krasnik county in eastern Poland
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Department of Informatics and Medical Statistics, Faculty of Health Sciences, Medical University, Lublin, Poland
II Faculty of Medicine of the English Division, Department of Public Health, Medical University, Lublin, Poland
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Marek Kos   

II Faculty of Medicine of the English Division, Department of Public Health, Medical University, Lublin, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2020;27(3):448-455
Cerebrovascular diseases in Poland constitute a bigger threat to life in men than in women, especially after the age of 60. Death rates indicate higher stroke over-mortality in the rural population rather than the urban. At the same time, stroke is the main cause of long-term disability, since half of the patients are unable to independently perform daily activities, which makes them dependent on other people.

Material and methods:
The study was conducted in the Independent Public Healthcare Institution in Kraśnik, eastern Poland. It covered the medical records of 1,500 patients, 780 women (52%) and 720 men (48%), aged 20–100, diagnosed with cerebral infarction. The patients were hospitalised between 2011–2016 in the Neurology Ward with a Stroke Unit, the Internal Medicine Ward, and the Anaesthetics and Intensive Care Ward.

The stroke patients hospitalised in the Independent Public Healthcare Institution in Kraśnik were residents of urban communes (59.1% of subjects) and rural communes (40.9%). The most often diagnosed type of stroke was due to embolism of the cerebral arteries (I63.4) in women (63.48%). In men, the most most often diagnosed type was cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of the cerebral arteries (I63.3; 51.33%). Stroke in 36.15% of the female subjects resulted in death. In male subjects, death occurred in 26.11% of the cases.

Women aged around 78-years-old were the most likely to suffer a stroke. In men, it occurred eight years earlier. Despite residents of urban areas being hospitalised due to stroke more often, deaths caused by this disease were recorded the most frequently among rural residents. It can be concluded that primary stroke prevention is the only effective measure for reducing morbidity and premature mortality in the population.
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