Stress factors vs. job satisfaction among nursing staff in the Pomeranian Province (Poland) and the Vilnius Region (Lithuania)
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Medical University, Gdańsk, Poland
Vilniaus Kolegija/ University of Applied Sciences and Vilniaus University, Vilnius, Lithuania
Corresponding author
Katarzyna Kwiecień-Jaguś   

Medical University of Gdańsk, ul. Mari-Skłodowskiej - Curie 3a, 80-952 Gdańsk, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2018;25(4):616-624
In the opinion of many researchers, nursing staff are exposed to an exceptionally high level of occupational stress. The problem of stress in the working environment of the nursing staff becomes more and more important in the context of increasing staff shortages and insufficient support from colleagues and employers. The aim of this study was to analyse stress factors indicated by the nursing staff in Poland and Lithuania, and to assess their job satisfaction.

Material and methods:
Two standard research tools were used in the study: the Nursing Stress Scale and the Job Satisfaction Survey. The study involved 230 respondents from Poland and Lithuania. The sample was chosen randomly and incidentally.

Based on the analysis of collected materials, the greatest stress factors in the work of the nursing staff were identified, which included interpersonal conflicts between nurses and doctors and between nurses, and death and dying. The study indicated that there is a relationship between stress and job satisfaction among Polish nurses (r=-0.33;p=0.001) and Lithuanian nurses (r=0.34; p=0.001). The greater the stress, the lower the job satisfaction. Low job satisfaction was connected with low remuneration, which is still inadequate to professional duties, and the lack of promotion opportunities. The study confirmed that there were significant differences in job satisfaction among Polish and Lithuanian nurses (Z= –6.27; p<0.001).

The study confirmed a high level of stress and dissatisfaction among nursing staff in Poland and Lithuania.
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