Severity of work in opinions of rural women living in the Bieszczady region of south-eastern Poland
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Department of Ergonomics, Department of Technology Faculty of Engineering, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Poland
Medical University of Lublin, Poland
University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Poland
Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Life Sciences, Lublin, Poland
Department of Animal Hygiene and Environment, University of Life Sciences, Lublin, Poland
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Agnieszka Buczaj   

Department of Ergonomics, Department of Technology Faculty of Engineering, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2018;25(1):145-150
The objective of the study was recognition of the opinions of rural women living in the Bieszczady region of south-eastern Poland, concerning their perception of the degree of severity of work. The study was conducted among the inhabitants of the Cisna commune.

Material and Methods:
The basic research instrument was a questionnaire form containing 15 items. The study covered 101 women living in the Cisna commune in the Bieszczady. The self-reported degree of work load on a farm was analyzed among women who were occupationally active, and those who were not occupationally active. The effect of assistance from family members on the severity of work perceived by women was considered.

The women in the study focused on agro-tourism, a few of them were engaged in agricultural work and the majority worked in household gardens. The study showed that occupationally active women work considerably longer, on average, and are the most loaded, compared to those not engaged in occupational activity. The mean daily time devoted to duties on a farm did not significantly differ between occupationally active and non-active women, and amounted to 380 and 320 minutes, respectively. The majority of women who were non-active occupationally evaluated their household chores as the highest work load. In turn, the women who undertook occupational activity assessed them as most burdensome, despite great help from their family. The body positions assumed while performing field work were: standing, standing-bent-over, and walking. The mean evaluations of work load while standing and standing-bent-over did not significantly differ, but affected the work load among women who, however, could not assess the severity of their work resulting from the body position assumed.
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