Self-government HPV vaccination programmes in Poland, 2009–2016
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Medical University, Warsaw, Poland
Institute of Rural Heath, Lublin, Poland
Corresponding author
Anna Augustynowicz   

Medical University, Warsaw, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2020;27(3):379-383
Cervical cancer is the fourth neoplasm in women with respect to incidence. In Poland, both cervical cancer incidence and corresponding mortality are gradually decreasing. Despite these improvements, the epidemiological situation significantly deviates from European standards. Poland has one of Europe’s lowest five-year survival rates at 54.1% for patients diagnosed in 2000–2002, compared to the European mean value of 62.1%.

The aim of this study is to present health policy programmes related to HPV vaccinations run by local self-government units in 2009–2016.

Material and methods:
The research is based on analysis of already existing data developed by provincial governors and annual information reviews on health-policy programmes implemented by local self-government units presented to the Ministry of Health. All the programmes that included HPV vaccinations have been subjected to analysis.

In 2009–2016, local government units implemented a total of 1,204 health policy programmes that covered HPV vaccinations. Under these programmes, 2.05% of girls aged 10–14 were vaccinated. Percentage-wise, these were communes that contributed the most financially to the HPV vaccination programmes, whereas the counties the least.

Local self-government’s programmes covering HPV vaccinations conform with the trends outlined in strategic documents on fighting neoplastic diseases. It is possible that the availability of HPV vaccination was limited for girls living in rural communes. Differences in the number of programmes, number of vaccinated girls and the financial outlays allocated for the implementation of HPV vaccination programmes in particular provinces, may be determined by the epidemiological situation in a given region, measured by the incidence rate of cervical cancer.
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