Satisfaction with life among women with breast cancer – selected demographic and social factors
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Jan Grodek State Higher Vocational School, Sanok, Poland
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Elżbieta Cipora   

Jan Grodek State Higher Vocational School in Sanok, Mickiewicza 21, 38-500 Sanok, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2018;25(2):314-319
The aim of the study was evaluation of satisfaction with life among women ill with breast cancer, with consideration of selected demographic and social factors.

Material and methods:
In the study participated 121 patients from the Sub-Carpathian Oncology Centre in Brzozów, Poland, who had undergone surgical treatment due to breast cancer. The method of a diagnostic survey was used. The research instruments were an author-constructed questionnaire and the Satisfaction with Life Scale.

Women who received surgical treatment due to breast cancer evaluated their satisfaction with life on a mediocre level. Younger patients had a lower satisfaction with life than those who were older. Women living in urban areas evaluated their satisfaction with life in more positive terms than rural women. In turn, education level, marital status and material standard had no effect on the level of satisfaction with life among the women in the study.

According to the SWLS, women with the diagnosis of breast cancer obtained a mean result of 5.64 sten scores Younger women evaluated their satisfaction with life in more positive terms than those who were older. Women who lived in urban areas obtained a considerably higher result according to the SWLS, compared to rural inhabitants. Marital status, education level, material standard and occupational activity of the women were insignificant in the respondents’ evaluation of satisfaction with life.
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