Relationships between personality traits, resting serum hormones and visuomotor ability in male judokas
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Department of Endocrinology, Institute of Sport- National Research Institute, Warsaw, Poland
Department of Psychology, Institute of Sport- National Research Institute, Warsaw, Poland
College of Physiotherapy, Wroclaw, Poland
Corresponding author
Wiesław Tomaszewski   

College of Physiotherapy, Wroclaw, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2016;23(1):79-83
The purpose of this research was to study the relationships between selected personality features, the speed and accuracy of visumotor ability and hormonal status in the blood of male judokas.

Material and Methods:
Forty-five male judokas whose body mass ranged from 66–100 kg were included in the study. Each one was examined once during a single annual competitive season lasting from March – October. The protocol of the study comprised five procedures carried out in the following order: (a) capillary blood sampling in the morning (07:30), (b) second capillary blood sampling directly prior to the personality examination, (c) examination of the personality traits, (d) testing of visuo-motor ability with the use of an electronic cross-shape electronic device, (e) third capillary blood sampling after the entire study. The entire study started and ended in the morning. For each subject, the three serum samples were pooled and the levels of cortisol (C) and testosterone (T) were determined in the serum specimen.

There were significant correlations among the scores in selected personality traits, anxiety (A), neuroticism (N), extraversion (E), perseveration (P), emotional reactivity (ER) and achievement motivation (AM). The C level did not correlate with any variables, however, it did positively correlate with E and visuo-motor ability. There were inverse relationships between E and A, N, P and ER.

The study confirmed relationships in the androgenic status in circulation, personality traits and psycho-motor abilities.
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