Relationship between the components of disability definition and the effectiveness of rehabilitation measures as a process
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Department of Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabology with Endocrine – Metabolic Laboratory, Medical University, Lublin, Poland
Chair and Department of Epidemiology and Clinical Research Methodology, Medical University, Lublin, Poland
Medical Institute, Jan Grodek State University, Sanok, Poland Jan Grodek State University, Sanok, Poland
Calisia University, Kalisz, Poland
Corresponding author
Irena Dorota Karwat   

Medical Institute, Jan Grodek State University, Sanok, Poland Jan Grodek State University, Sanok, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2023;30(4):595-601
Introduction and objective:
The number of disabled persons is most often only estimated. The disabled require multidirectional, effective support in almost every field of functioning. There is no arbitrarily accepted definition of disability, and those currently available outline the ranges of support for which rehabilitation measures are necessary.

The aim of the review is to present the problem areas that contribute to the definition of disability and their interdependence and effectiveness in relation to rehabilitation interventions, as well as identification of the most frequent medical and social problems interdependent on the quality and feasibility of rehabilitation interventions.

Review methods:
Scientific literature in Polish and English for 1993–2023 and legal acts concerning the definition of disability, definition of rehabilitation and the problem of employment were reviewed. The following key words were used to search the NIZP-PZH, MZ, JAHEE and ISAP databases: disabled persons, definitions of disability, rehabilitation as a process, synchronization of thematic groups of disability definitions with the rehabilitation process.

Brief description of the state of knowledge:
Disability is a public health problem. The actual determination of the extent, medical and social needs of people with disabilities involves methods and measures for classifying people as disabled. The effects of treatment and rehabilitation are assessed by the level of functioning of the disabled in society.

The multiplicity of characteristics included in the definitions of disability account for all problems in health and social terms. In view of the social, environmental and cultural changes, the scope of needs of people with disabilities is also changing, which can be seen in newly-developed definitions, including rehabilitation.
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