Quality of life in parents of children and adolescents after systemic sting reactions
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Department of Paediatrics, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Krakow, Poland
DZIUPLA Statistical analysis, Krakow, Poland
Corresponding author
Piotr Brzyski   

DZIUPLA Statistical analysis, Jaremy 5/6, 31-318 Kraków, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2019;26(2):315-321
Introduction and objectives:
The study aimed at evaluating the impact of Hymenoptera venom allergy (HVA) in children and adolescents, on their parents’ QoL, taking into account their socio-demographic characteristics.

Material and methods:
The study sample consisted of 101 parents of children and adolescents aged 9–17 years, with a history of systemic reaction after insect sting who were referred for consultations in the tertiary level allergology department. The mean age of the parents was 39 years (SD=8.1; range 25–65 years); the majority were mothers (68%) and rural inhabitants (62%). QoL in parents of HVA children and adolescents was measured with the Parents of Children with Hymenoptera Venom Allergy Quality of Life Scale, a questionnaire covering 5 dimensions: anxiety, caution, limitations and discomfort, support provided to the child and feeling of safety, each measured on the scale ranging from 1 to 5. Independent predictors of QoL were estimated using the Generalized Linear Model.

Parents of urban children and adolescents treated with venom immunotherapy (VIT) up to 3 years (B=-1.37, 95CI= (-2.22;-0.53); p=0.001) and of rural children treated for more than 3 years (B=-0.94, 95CI=(-1.55;-0.33); p=0.003) reported lower anxiety than parents studied at diagnosis. In urban parents, individuals studied at VIT beginning reported a lower feeling of safety (B=-0.63, 95CI=(-1.11;-0.15); p=0.010); those studied up to 3 years of treatment reported a higher feeling of safety (B=0.64, 95CI=(0.11;1.16); p=0.018) than those studied at diagnosis. Contrariwise, in rural parents, those studied at the beginning of immunotherapy reported a higher feeling of safety than those studied at diagnosis (B=0.51, 95CI=(0.13;0.88); p=0.008).

The longest VIT duration in children and adolescents with HVA is related to the decreased anxiety of their parents. Parent’s feeling of safety depends on the stage of treatment and place of residence.
The authors express their thanks to Matylda Gawor for her critical review of the text as the English proofreader.
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