Introduction and objective:
Health-related quality of life (HRQL) should be used more extensively in monitoring the health of school-aged children. The presented study aimed to evaluate trends in KIDSCREEN-10 indices, considering mean scores and the level of social inequalities.

Material and methods:
3,937 children aged 13 participated in three Health Behavior in School-aged Children (HBSC) cross-sectional surveys conducted in Poland between 2010–2018. Subgroups were distinguished according to gender, health status, and three social factors (family affluence, neighbourhood social capital, and local deprivation).

The average KIDSCREEN-10 index value was equal to: 22.36±4.54; 25.41±6.75; and 24.74±6.53 in 2010, 2014, and 2018,respectively. However, in 2018 no deterioration was recorded in boys, in poorer families or in regions with high social capital. The improvement in HRQL in 2014 was accompanied by an increase in disparities in health status and family wealth, as well as a decrease in disparities in local deprivation. An especially high increase in Glass index values was recorded for neighbourhood social capital (increasing from 0.542 in 2010 to 0.938 in 2018). The multivariate general linear model revealed the main effect of the year of the study, gender, chronic disease status, and the three social factors, as well as six significant 2-way interactions.

Changes in the well-being of adolescents should be tracked over time using HRQL indices with proven psychometric properties. The level of social inequalities faced by young people should be included in policies and when designing interventions. The relevant initiatives should be targeted at different populations in order to properly address the needs of different groups of children and adolescents.
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