Quality of life and occurrence of depression under chemotherapy in patients suffering from lung carcinoma
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Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences, Chair of Internal Medicine and Department of Internal Medicine in Nursing, Medical University of Lublin, Poland
St John’s Oncology Centre in Lublin, Poland
Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences, Department of Applied Psychology, Medical University of Lublin, Poland
Faculty of Physical Education and Health Promotion, Department of Health Promotion, Szczecin University, Poland
Department of Health Education; Institute of Rural Health, Lublin, Poland
Head of Internal Diseases Ward, Provincial Hospital, Szczecin, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2014;21(4):783-789
Introduction and objective:
In Poland, lung carcinoma is the most frequent malignant neoplasm in men and the third most frequent in women. The neoplastic disease causes enormous psychic stress and may lead to depressive reactions. The purpose of this research was to assess the quality of life and the occurrence of depression in patients suffering from lung neoplasms and undergoing chemotherapy.

Material and Methods:
The research covered 102 patients (test group TG) with lung carcinoma and undergoing chemotherapy. In the research, standardised questionnaires: EORTC‑QLQ‑C30, Beck Depression Inventory and a matrix developed by the researcher were applied. The control group (CG) consisted of 60 healthy people who were examined by the Beck Depression Inventory.

A highly statistically significant dependency was found (p<0.01) between the general quality of life and the occurrence of depression. 51.5% of those examined with a very low level of general quality of life had the symptoms of severe depression. Those examined who had a very high level of general quality of life did not have features of severe depression. A statistically significant dependency (p<0.01) was ascertained between the occurrence of depression and the health condition of those examined.

Depression symptoms occur more frequently and with greater intensity in patients suffering from lung neoplasm, compared to the group of healthy people (p<0.01). A statistically significant connection between marital status, place of residence, and assessment of quality of life was found out (p<0.05).
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