Psychometric properties of the Scale for Evaluating Attitudes towards Seniors (SEAS)
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University of Economics and Innovation, Lublin, Poland
Department of General and Neuro Rehabilitation, Witold Chodźko Institute of Rural Health, Lublin, Poland
Corresponding author
Jacek Łukasiewicz   

University of Economics and Innovation in Lublin, Projektowa 4, 20-209 Lublin, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2019;26(2):309-314
The Scale for Evaluating Attitudes towards Seniors (SEAS) was developed based on the concept of social attitudes towards the elderly by G. Miałkowska. The main objective of the study was validation of Scale.

Material and methods:
The validation procedure was carried out on a sample of 304 adults. Content validity was estimated based on the CVR coefficient, the theoretical validity was verified by means of exploratory factor analysis with simple Oblimin rotation and Kaiser normalization, and criterion validity determined based on analysis of the correlation matrix of SEAS from IVE and SES. Reliability of the tool was estimated based on the values of alpha Cronbach and the discriminatory power of test items coefficients.

Content validity rates CVR range from 0.83–1.00. Three SEAS factors were distinguished on the basis of factor analysis – Respect and Support, Rejection and Misunderstanding, Social distance. Their alpha Cronbach’s coefficient range is 0.93–0.86. Extracted SEAS scales correlate with IVE and SES dimensions.

The validation procedure confirms the high psychometric properties of the constructed research tool and allows its use in both individual diagnosis and scientific research, which in turn will contribute to broadening of knowledge about the psychological mechanisms associated with seniors’ perception, and can be used to design responses to preventive actions supporting quality of intergenerational interpersonal interactions.
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