Pro-health behaviours – a sense of coherence as the key to a healthy lifestyle in rural areas?
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Institute of Nursing and Health Sciences, Medical Department, University of Rzeszow, Poland
Independent Practical Obstetric Skills Unit, Medical University, Lublin, Poland
Medical Faculty, University of Rzeszow, Rzeszow, Poland
Corresponding author
Monika Binkowska-Bury   

Institute of Nursing and Health Sciences, Medical Department, University of Rzeszow, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2016;23(2):345-349
Health-related behaviours and lifestyle are related to the salutogenic concept of health, whereas the major public health problems faced in rural areas include difficulties in encouraging people to a healthy lifestyle.

The aim of the study is to explore mutual relationships between psychosocial-demographic factors and a sense of coherence.

Material and Methods:
Two-stage sampling was applied. Data were collected with the use of the Juczynski Health Behaviours Inventory and Antonovsky’s SOC-29 (Sense of Coherence Questionnaire). The study was conducted among 668 adults. Data were statistically prepared using one-way ANOVA test, linear correlation analysis, and linear regression model.

A higher level of pro-health behaviours is associated with gender, self-rated health, sense of coherence and age. Almost half of the farmers were characterized by a low level of pro-health attitudes. A higher level of pro-health behaviours was demonstrated by less than one-fifth of the farmers.

There is a strong association between sense of coherence and pro-health behaviours. Farmers have bad habits and pro-health attitudes to health and poorer self-assessment of their health. There is a great need to monitor health-related behaviour, increase the effectiveness of health promotion and health education in shaping a pro-health lifestyle among residents of rural areas, particularly among farmers.
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