Prevalence of hypertension and major cardiovascular risk factors in healthy residents of a rural region in south-eastern Poland – 1997–2008/9
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Department of Cardiology, The Pope John Paul II Hospital, Zamosc, Poland
Department of Physiotherapy and Pedagogy, Zamosc University of Management and Administration, Poland.
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Daniel Płaczkiewicz   

Department of Cardiology, The Pope John Paul II Hospital, Zamosc, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2016;23(3):476-481
Introduction and objective:
The aim of this study was to show the prevalence of hypertension and major risk factors of cardiovascular disease among healthy adults in an agricultural region of south-eastern Poland, and the changes which have occurred in this area during the 12-year follow-up.

Material and Methods:
1,233, mostly rural inhabitants of Zamosc County without previous history of diabetes and CVD were subjected to analysis. Prevalence of hypertension and major cardiovascular risk factors were evaluated. Changes in the prevalence of risk factors between 1997 – 2008 were analyzed.

33.0% of the examined population are active smokers, and there was a 1.8-fold increase (p = 0.0009). The percentage of people with hypercholesterolemia between 1997 – 2008/9 increased almost 2-fold (p<0.0001) and now it is 62.3%. The number of people with high blood pressure decreased nearly by a half (46%, p<0001) and it is currently 25.8%. Improper waist circumference was observed in 32.8% of the population (33.1% women, 26.5% men). Abdominal obesity decreased among men (48%; p=0.0008) and rural residents (29%, p=0.01). In comparison with 1997, in 2008–2009, the cardiovascular risk assessed using SCORE tables increased. The percentage of people with high-risk (≥5%) almost tripled in the general population (p=0.0183) and increased 4-fold in men (p=0.0145).

Detection of hypertension in the rural region in which the survey was carried out is still too low. Actions against tobacco addiction should be a major component of health-education programmes for the rural areas of south-eastern Poland.
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