Prevalence and selected risk factors of suicidal ideation, suicidal tendencies and suicide attempts in young people aged 13–19 years
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M. Kaczyński Neuropsychiatric Hospital, Lublin, Poland
2nd Department of Psychiatry and Psychiatric Rehabilitation, Medical University of Lublin, Poland
Department of Psychiatric Nursing, Medical University of Lublin, Poland
Public Health Chair and Department, Medical University in Lublin, Poland
Department of Molecular Biology and Translational Research, Institute of Rural Health, Lublin, Poland
Department of Medical Biology and Translational Research, Faculty of Medicine, University of Information Technology and Management, Rzeszow, Poland
Corresponding author
Beata Pawłowska   

2nd Department of Psychiatry and Psychiatric Rehabilitation, Medical University of Lublin, Poland, ul. Głuska 1, 20-439 Lublin, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2019;26(2):329-336
The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of suicidal thoughts, tendencies and suicide attempts in young people. An attempt was also made to identify factors which, according to those young people, contributed to their suicide attempts.

Material and methods:
The study involved 5,685 individuals aged 13–19 years. The participants were surveyed using an inquiry form designed by the study authors.

Suicidal behaviour in adolescents correlates with the female gender, intake of psychoactive substances, running away from home, being raised in a single-parent family, addiction of family members to alcohol, and experiences of violence.

1) Suicidal ideation was reported by 24.66%, suicidal plans – by 15.55%, and suicide attempts – by 4.37% of the adolescents studied. 2) Girls were significantly more likely to attempt suicide out of a sense of helplessness, loneliness, rejection and guilt, as well as conflicts with parents and peers. Boys were significantly more likely than girls to attempt suicide as a result of pressure from peers or cyber acquaintances. 3) Suicide attempts were significantly more common among girls than boys between the ages of 13–19, and significantly more common among young people living in urban areas than those living in the countryside. 4) Significantly more young people who reported suicidal thoughts and plans and suicide attempts than those not reporting such experiences were raised in single-parent families. 5) Compared with non-suicidal controls, young people who admitted to having suicidal thoughts and plans and to having attempted suicide, were significantly more likely to report alcohol abuse by parents and experiences of psychological and physical violence from family members.
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