Physical work load and state of health of school-aged children in the southernPodlasie Region.
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Department of Hygiene and Health Promotion, Outside Faculty of Physical Educationin Biała Podlaska, Academy of Physical Education in Warsaw, Poland.
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2005;12(1):95-100
Physical work adjusted to physical and mental capabilities of an adolescentis considered as a positive factor in the context of constructing health condition. The objective ofthe study was the determination of the relationship between self-reported health, the occurrence of injuriesand the work load among rural school-aged children engaged in work tasks in the household and on a farm.The study covered 662 pupils aged 11, 13 and 15 from rural schools in the eastern region of Poland. Thestudy was conducted by means of a survey with the use of two questionnaire forms: Health Behaviour inSchool-Aged Children (HBSC) - Cross-National Study and 'Children's work in the household and on the farm'.A relationship was observed between work load in the household and on the farm, measured by such indicatorsas: working time, heaviness of work activities performed and performance of hazardous and harmful worktasks, positive evaluation of own appearance and life satisfaction (in boys), and a higher incidenceof injuries requiring medical care.
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