Physical medicine after limb transplantation. Therapeutic effects of physical procedures in the treatment of limb transplantation after cut-off by a threshing machine – Case report
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Academy of Jan Długosz in Częstochowa, Institute of Physical Education Tourism and Physiotherapy, Poland
Rehabilitation Unit, St. Barbara Provincial Specialist Hospital No. 5, Poland
Chair and Department of Internal Diseases, Angiology and Physical Medicine, Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland
Corresponding author
Jarosław Pasek   

Academy of Jan Długosz in Częstochowa, Institute of Physical Education Tourism and Physiotherapy, Poland, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2018;25(2):241-243
Introduction. The number of accidents in agriculture involving children as the victims continues to increase year-by-year. Parents often allow children to perform certain tasks, or even entrust them to perform such tasks as a duty.

Case report:
The paper presents results of treatment using a 3D magnetic field in a 31-year- old patient after transplantation of the upper extremity of the arm. Amputation of the extremity had been caused by an accident (hand cut-off by a threshing machine). The therapeutic cycle for the patient constituted of 3 series of 15 daily procedures, performed for 15 minutes. There was a break of 4 weeks between sessions. Additionally, the patient performed kinesitherapy exercises in the outpatient clinic.

The results obtained regarding improvement of the functional condition of the limb showed that in the complex planning of treatment, the taking into account of the physical medicine procedures should be indispensable.
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