Physical activity has a positive effect on health. The level of physical activity changes with age. Elderly people often reduce their physical activity, among other things, due to deteriorating health or the belief that it is inappropriate to indulge in sports or be physically active at old agge. On the other hand, the lack of systematic physical activity in the elderly can lead to a reduction in the body’s efficiency in many health aspects. Although there are many methods of measuring human physical activity, there is no ideal tool for measuring that activity.

The main aim of the study was to assess the effectiveness of the use of selected methods of measuring physical activity in the elderly, as well as to evaluate the influence of the measured activity on the nutritional status of women over 60 years of age.

Material and methods:
The study was carried out in the area of western Poland in a group of 110 generally healthy women above the age of 60, who were divided into 3 groups of intensity of undertaken physical activity (low active 30.00%, moderately active 41.82% and active 28.18%). A pedometer and a physical activity diary were used to measure physical activity. Body composition was assessed by the bioelectrical impedance method which uses a body composition analyzer. Body height and weight, lean mass of limbs and body, adipose tissue content, total water content, waist circumference to hip circumference (WHR), and BMI (Body Mass Index) were assessed.

The correlation coefficient between the methods of assessing physical activity, i.e. the number of minutes/day and the number of steps/day, was 0.92 and was statistically significant at the level of p<0.001. This was assumed to be a strict correlation. Based on the physical activity diary, it was estimated that women spent an average of 92.85 minutes a day on physical activity, while the data obtained from the pedometer showed that they performed an average of 4,462 steps a day. The average age of the respondents was 67.25 years, and average BMI – 28.07 kg/m2.

A close correlation was demonstrated between the applied methods for assessing physical activity shows about the appropriate selection of methods, as well as, due to their ease of use, their use to assess physical activity in the elderly.
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