Given the specificity of the occupation of professional drivers, fatigue is a very serious problem. Tired drivers can pose a huge threat to themselves and to other users of public roads. The effects of fatigue can lead to loss of drivers’ and other users’ health or life.

The aim of the study was to analyze some aspects of fatigue in Polish professional drivers (e.g. symptoms of fatigue reported by drivers, their frequency and number, critical hours, and fatigue management) in relation to such variables as the job seniority, the mode of transport, and the covered distance.

Material and methods:
The study involved 398 professional drivers. The method of research based on an anonymous electronic survey.

The survey showed that 89% of the respondents declared that they suffered from fatigue at work. The most common symptoms of fatigue reported by the drivers included drowsiness (76% of the respondents), eye strain (67%), lack of concentration (45%), and lack of energy (44%). The mean number of fatigue symptoms indicated by drivers involved in different modes of transport and covering different distances did not differ significantly.

The analysis revealed that the everyday experience of fatigue reported by the surveyed drivers depends on job seniority. There is a significant difference in the occurrence of critical hours experienced by drivers covering different distances.
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