Peroxidative metabolism of arachidonic acid in the course of Lyme arthritis
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Department of Analytical Chemistry, Medical University of Bialystok, Poland
Department of Infectious Diseases and Neuroinfection, Medical University of Bialystok, Poland
Corresponding author
Anna Moniuszko   

Department of Infectious Diseases and Neuroinfection, Medical University of Bialystok, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2015;22(3):433-437
The objective of the study was measurement of serum arachidonic acid level as well as the product of its peroxidation – 8-isoPGF, and the activity of phospholipase A2 and PAF-acetylhydrolase that participate in releasing 8-isoPGF from glycerol skeleton, and the potential designation of their role in the pathomechanism of Lyme disease (LD).

Material and Methods:
Changes in the phospholipid arachidonic acid level and the level of 8-isoPGF were determined in the plasma and urine of patients with LA (n=57) and of healthy controls (n=41). The activity of phospholipase A2 and PAF acetylhydrolase were assayed. All examined parameters were also measured in the plasma of some LA patients (n=13) after antibiotics treatment.

An almost 3-fold higher level of the total plasma 8-isoPGF was observed in LA patients compared to the controls, while in the urine it increased over 5-fold. The plasma PLA2 activity was more than 3-fold higher in LA patients than in the healthy subjects, while PAF acetylhydrolase activity was observed to be modestly, but not significantly lower. The total 8-isoPGF level in the plasma and urine of LA patients was significantly lower after antibiotics treatment. The plasma activity of PAF-AH in the LA patients was increased, while the cPLA2 activity decreased after antibiotics treatment.

It may be suggested that in the course of LA, the level of binding 8-isoPGF is significantly enhanced, and it may also be suggested that uncontrolled changes in the lipid status of some patients may make their Lyme arthritis unresponsive to antibiotics.
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