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The ‘Closing the health gap in the European Union’ report, prepared by the HEM project team, describes the epidemiological situation in the new EU member-states and indicates the need for undertaking action for establishing competence and capacity for reducing inequalities in health between the EU countries.
Consultations with the new EU member-states conducted by the Polish Government (Health Minister Ewa Kopacz) in collaboration with international research organizations (Peter Boyle) led to the signing of the Warsaw Declaration. The Declaration calls for the establishment of a research network that would allow monitoring of the development of the health situation in East European countries through evidence and science-based public health interventions.
Zatoński W, (Eds.) with: Mańczuk M, Sulkowska U, and the HEM Project team. Closing the health gap in European Union. Cancer Center and Institute of Oncology, Warsaw, 2008.
Holmen J, Midthjell K, Kruger O, Langhammer A, Holmen TL, Bratberg GH, Vatten L, Lund-Larsen PG. Th e Nord-Trondelag Health Study 1995-97 (HUNT2): objectives, contents, method and participation. Norsk Epidemiologi 2003;13(1):19-32.