Occurrence of neurotic and anxiety disorders in rural schoolchildren and the role of physical exercise as a method to support their treatment
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Department of Physiology, Department of Paediatric Orthopaedics, University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland
Department of Alergology and Environmental Hazards, Institute of Rural Health, Lublin, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2012;19(3):351-356
School anxiety has become a common problem in children and adolescents. Despite numerous studies, it is difficult to definitely identify the cause of neurotic disorders in school-age children. The objective of the presented study was to assess the prevalence of neurotic disorders in rural schoolchildren and the role of physical activity as a method to support their treatment.

Material and Methods:
The study consisted of 123 girls and 117 boys living in rural areas of Wielkopolska. A questionnaire was provided evaluating family status, family relationships, school situation, somatic symptoms related to being at school, and the frequency of physical activity.

It was found that over the 50% of children considered the relations with siblings as correct, but also acknowledged that there were a conflict situations in their relationship. Nearly 25% of children indicated an emotional irrelevance with their parents. About 20% of the young people did not like going to school or were afraid to stay there. Over the 50% of children declared somato-emotional problems associated with the being at school. The symptoms of neurotic disorders were more strongly expressed and more common in girls. Analysis of physical activity indicated that only a small group of young people practiced sport regularly, and an even smaller percentage of children exercised with their parents and/or peers.

The development of somatic and emotional disturbances in children may be associated with irregular family and school relationships and low physical activity. It was found that gender had a significant influence on most of the studied parameters.
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