Microbiological contamination of water in fountains located in the city of Toruń, Poland
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Department of Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2013;20(4):645-648
The aim of this study was determination of the level of water contamination in fountains in Toruń, Poland.

Material and Methods:
The studies were conducted at monthly intervals from May – September 2009, and consisted in the determination of the number of heterotrophic bacteria capable of growing at a temperature of 22 and 37°C (PN-ISO 6222), as well as the number of coliform bacteria (PN-75/C-04615/05), E. coli (ISO 9308-1) and faecal streptococci (PN-EN ISO 7899-2).

The ‘Rafter’ fountain in the Old Town Market Square, continuously supplied with municipal water, had the cleanest water. The highest number of heterotrophic bacteria capable of development at 22 and 37°C was found in the fountain located in the City Park of Bydgoskie suburb. Throughout the entire research period, water from the fountain in the Old Town Moat had the worst sanitary (health) indices.

The recorded results indicate that water from the 3 out of 4 examined fountains, with inappropriate exploitation – bathing, water drinking, hands washing – may constitute a danger to human health. The fountains should be carefully monitored for the presence of microorganisms, or a ban on bathing in fountains should be more rigorously enforced, in order to prevent possible infections.
Burkowska-But A, Swiontek Brzezinska M, Walczak M. Microbiological contamination of water in fountains located in the city of Toruń, Poland. Ann Agric Environ Med. 2013; 20(4): 645–648
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