Level and conditioning of knowledge about breast cancer displayed by women in perimenopausal age
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Independent Medical Sociology Unit, Department of Humanities. Medical University of Lublin. Poland
Institute of Speech Pathology and Rehabilitation, Medical University of Lublin. Poland
Clinic of Dermatology, Central Clinical Hospital, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Warsaw, Poland
Institute of Rural Health in Lublin, Poland
Corresponding author
Iwona Bojar   

Institute of Rural Health in Lublin, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2016;23(2):324-328
Women aged 50–69 are the most likely to develop breast cancer. Knowledge about breast tumours as well as regular examination are two of the key factors which reduce the risk of the disease, and increase both the success of treatment and chances of survival.

The aim of the paper was to assess knowledge about risk factors, symptoms, screening, early diagnosis and breast cancer treatment among women in perimenopausal age.

Material and Methods:
400 women aged 45–60, residing in the Lublin region of eastern Poland participated in the research. The primary research tool was a questionnaire with 35 questions checking knowledge about symptoms, screening and early diagnosis, as well as breast cancer treatment. Particulars were also part of the questionnaire.

Over 50% of women obtained average results with regard to general knowledge, 40% obtained high results and 6% low results. Subjective assessment of the women’s knowledge was statistically significantly (p<0.001) different from the objective assessment. The research confirmed a significant relationship between knowledge and education (p<0.01), and place of residence (p<0.001). The group examined displayed considerably limited knowledge about risk factors, symptoms, screening, as well as breast cancer early diagnosis and therapy. Over a half of the women in perimenopausal age had average general knowledge, while only 40% – high.

Over half of the women in perimenopausal age had average general knowledge, while only 40% – high. Subjective assessment of knowledge differed statistically significantly from the objective assessment. Women with higher education and living in rural areas displayed a higher level of general knowledge about breast cancer. The study did not identified any relationship between level of knowledge about breast cancer and age, financial situation or health of women in perimenopausal age.
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