Lead levels in body fluids of workers of an automobile factory with clinically diagnosed arterial hypertension.
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Department of Hygiene, Medical Academy, Lublin, Poland
Clinic of Internal and Occupational Diseases, Institute of Agricultural Medicine, Lublin, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2001;8(2):285-287
The aim of the study is the evaluation of lead levels in body fluids in a chosen study group with diagnosed arterial hypertension employed in a car factory. The study was carried out on workers diagnosed with various stages of arterial hypertension who had been subjected to long-term lead exposure at different workplaces. The examination of the patients included medical history, physical examination and biochemical tests of blood and urine, following routine in the laboratory diagnosis in order to assess medical condition in terms of subclinical symptoms of lead exposure. Mean values of the lead level in blood and urine of studied population are insignificantly higher than in the control group. The obtained results seem insufficient to confirm the effect of occupational exposure to lead in subthreshold doses on the development of arterial hypertension, and are within the recommended hygienic standards.