Knowledge on neoplastic diseases among young rural inhabitants
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Institute of Healthcare, Bronisław Markiewicz State School of Technology and Economics, Jarosław, Poland
Department of Clinical Endoscopy, Institute of Rural Health, Lublin, Poland
Corresponding author
Anna Lewandowska   

Institute of Healthcare, Bronisław Markiewicz State School of Technology and Economics, Jarosław, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2017;24(3):496-501
The objective of the study was to analyze the level of knowledge on tumours and their prevention among rural inhabitants.

Material and Methods:
The research involved 500 residents of villages in Podkarpackie Province in south-east Poland. The age of the researched ranges from 18–30 years; mean age – 26.96±0.84 (range [18, 30], median 25.95%CI [18, 9, 29, 01]). The researched group was represented in 47.59% by women in 52.41% by men. In order to obtain the research material, a standardized questionnaire was applied which included questions focused mainly on assessment of the level of knowledge on tumours (causes, symptoms, ways of treatment, prevention), as well as questions with both spontaneous and prompted answers.

34.72% of respondents confirmed the occurrence of tumours in their family; the most frequently occurring was a lung tumour (9.4%). While assessing the degree of relationship it was proved that among parents’ of the respondents, neoplastic disease had occurred in 3.22% of cases, and in 22.36% of cases it affected grandparents. In self-assessment, a low level of knowledge was indicated by 35.35% of respondents: average by 30.45%, hard to determine by 32%, while 2.18% stated that their level of knowledge was high. The most frequently enumerated risk factors were: smoking (36.61%), improper diet (15.03%), and improper lifestyle (9.83%). UV radiation was a risk factor for 16.18%; however, a solarium only for 1.93% of respondents. For 37.94%, a medical examination was a diagnostic method in neoplastic disease.

According to self-assessment, every third respondent stated having a low or average level of knowledge. The most frequently used source of knowledge was the Internet, and much more rarely a doctor or a nurse. Very few of the respondents could enumerate the tests applied in the early detection of neoplastic diseases.
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