Introduction: Parents as day-to-day caregivers looking after their children’s health and upbringing are crucial in the process of hearing loss prevention among the young. The aim of the study was to assess the parents’ knowledge and awareness of hazards bringing about hearing loss, possibilities to prevent this, as well as their reaction in the case of problems of their children with hearing.
Material and Methods: The research group comprised respondents (402 persons), medical or paramedical professionals. None of the surveyed was a doctor. 56% of the surveyed were inhabitants of large cities, 24% of small towns, and 20% of village, mostly located in the area of Greater Poland (Wielkopolska) (97%). To perform the research a survey was devised. GSES scale was applied as an accessory tool.
Results: The subjects surveyed posses a great deal of knowledge concerning basic conditions that could adversely affect the hearing of children. Village inhabitants are half as afraid of hearing loss hazards as the inhabitants of large cities. More than 40% of the respondents claimed they do nothing to counteract their children’s overexposure to noise. In 48.5% of cases, GPs had not drawn parents’ attention to possible complications resulting from upper respiratory tract infections in children. Parents know where they should go to in case their children develop hearing problems or sudden hearing loss.
Conclusions: Knowledge and awareness of factors that may trigger hearing loss is not synonymous with avoidance of the problem. Main components of hearing loss prevention among children and youths should be administrative actions, extensive education, and proper childcare at home.
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