Iron bioavailability from cereal products enriched with Pleurotus ostreatus mushrooms in rats with induced anaemia
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Department of Human Nutrition and Hygiene, Poznań University of Life Sciences, Poland
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Julita Reguła   

Department of Human Nutrition and Hygiene, Poznań University of Life Sciences, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2016;23(2):310-314
Introduction and objective:
Oyster mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus is good source of iron. However, there is a limited data concerning bioavailability of iron from oyster mushroom and also cereal products containing this mushroom. The aim of this study was to assess bioavailability of iron from products with an addition of Pleurotus ostreatus in male rats with anaemia.

Material and Methods:
Investigations were conducted in two stages. In the first stage iron deficiency was developed in rats. For this purpose 6 weeks old 36 male Wistar rats were fed a AIN-93M diet deficient in iron and 6 males received a standard AIN-93M diet. In the second stage of the study the assessment of Fe bioavailability from cereal products enriched with dried Pleurotus ostreatus. After experiment the animals were killed and blood and heart, liver, spleen and kidneys were collected for biochemical tests.

Feeding male Wistar rats supplemented with dried Pleurotus ostreatus mushrooms diets resulted in the restitution of the systemic Fe level, as manifested by an increase of the level comparable to the control group for: iron transferrin saturation rate, haemoglobin and mean corpuscular volume. Values of hematocrit, mean corpuscular haemoglobin and mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration in animals fed products supplemented with Pleurotus ostreatus were significantly higher compared to animals fed products with no Fe added. The highest MCV value was recorded when 20% of dried oyster mushrooms were added. Iron levels in the blood serum, the liver and kidneys in animals fed cereal products considerably exceeded values recorded at the beginning of the experiment and were similar to the control values.

Product may be a valuable source of iron in the nutrition of individuals with a deficiency of this element, first of all patients with absorption and metabolism disorders, but also may add variety to the traditional daily diet.
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