The aim of the study was to identify risk factors for HCV infection and thus identify groups for routine HCV testing in the group of people consulted for post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP).

Material and methods:
A retrospective analysis was performed of cross-sectional data available from consultations due to post-exposure prophylaxis in HIV Out-patient Clinic and Emergency Department (ED) of Hospital for Infectious Diseases in Warsaw, Poland. Data were obtained from the electronic database, from 2008-o 2016. For statistical analysis, χ2 and t-tests were used for group comparisons, as appropriate. A total of 3,593 persons were included in the study, 60 (1.7%) were anti-HCV positive. In the first step, univariate models were estimated for each of predictors separately.

The results showed that odds of infection are significantly higher in males (OR = 1.92), people after non-professional exposure (OR = 3.82), and increase with age (OR = 1.03). In the next step, a multivariate logistic model was fitted in the group of participants after non-professional exposure with gender, age, and route of exposure as predictors. Obtained results revealed significantly higher odds of infection, both in IDU (OR = 162.6) and gender exposure (OR = 3.59) groups. After including routes of exposure, effects of age remained significant (OR = 1.05), while the effects of gender did not (OR = 1.12)

Based on the study results, it is recommended that routine testing for HCV should be provided for people at older age, and for individual with behavioural risk factors, such as history of injecting drus use or sexual exposure, particularly among men having sex with men (MSM)
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