Influence of environment exposures on the frequency of contact allergies in children and adolescents
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Department of Clinical and Environmental Allergology, Faculty of Medicine, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
St. Louis Children\'s Hospital, Krakow, Poland
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration (MSWiA) Hospital, Krakow, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2012;19(1):11-16
Contact allergy is detected in every second child with the symptoms of chronic or recurrent eczema, and in every third child the final diagnosis is allergic contact dermatitis. Haptens responsible for the majority of contact sensitizations in children are substances ubiquitous in our environment, e.g. metals, preservatives, fragrances, propolis, and balsam of Peru. Much concern is provoked by the higher rates of sensitization to fragrances in younger children, compared to adolescents, which may be attributed to the higher exposure nowadays of infants and children to fragrant products. On the other hand, a limitation of exposure to the preservatives thimerosal and Kathon CG has resulted in decreased rates of sensitization to these haptens. Altogether, these observations demonstrate that the rates of contact sensitizations in children reflect changes in their environment, and limitations imposed on the use of haptens with strong sensitizing properties, may be an effective tool in the prevention of contact allergy.
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