Indications for sexology consultation in women after surgical treatment due to breast cancer
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Department of Oncology, The Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
Institute of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Philosophy and Education Ignatianum in Krakow, Poland
Department of Gynaecologic Oncology, The Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
Corresponding author
Joanna Streb   

Department of Oncology, The Jagiellonian University Medical College, ul. Śniadeckich 10, Kraków 31-531, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2019;26(2):379-384
Introduction and objectives:
Surgical treatment due to brest cancer have an impact on women sexuality. There is a need for research about effective indications for sexology consultation in women after such treatment. The aim of this study is to determine the indications for sexology consultation in women after surgical treatment for breast cancer.

Material and methods:
We tested 42 women patients diagnosed with breast cancer who had undergone mastectomy 3 months before the study. 3 months after the surgery the women were surveyed using the Polish version of FSFI assessing sexual functioning in women. The result of PL-FSFI were compared with the control group.

It was found that the mean score of PL-FSFI in the study group 3 months after the surgery was 13.33 points (score range: 1.2–31.7; median 8.3 points) with a statistically significant difference in terms of areas: desire, arousal, lubrication and orgasm in favour of the control group. The total score of PL-FSFI was significantly lower in women after mastectomy than in women after breast-conserving surgery. It has been shown that sexually active women in whom the surgery concerned the right breast (on the side of the dominant hand) scored lower on the scale “sexual functioning” of QLQ-BR-23 than women with surgery of the left breast, with this difference being statistically significant. There was a statistically significant correlation between the baseline performance status on the Zubrod scale and the scales: desire, lubrication and satisfaction of PL-FSFI. Living in a small town proved to be statistically significant for predicting a lower risk of sexual dysfunction among the surveyed women.

The women who underwent surgery due to breast cancer had a higher risk of sexual dysfunction compared to the general population. Higher risk of sexual dysfunction especially concerns women after mastectomy, those who underwent breast surgery on the side of the dominant hand, and those with a worse preoperative overall level of functioning of > = 1 point on the Zubrod scale. A lower risk of disorders was observed in women living in smaller towns. The above factors indicate the advisability for sexology consultation in women with breast cancer.
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