Introduction and objective:
Disability has an individualized character, both in terms of causes and effects, including limitation of locomotor skills. This is the problem to a great extent determining the level of daily functioning and the quality of life. The aim of the study was assessment of locomotor capabilities according to the demographic, social and health characteristics, and the frequency of problems of daily life according to the scope of locomotor capabilities.

Material and methods:
The study included 676 disabled aged 19–98; mean age 64. The survey was carried out using a standardized Disability Questionnaire.

Statistically significant differences in categories of locomotor capabilities were observed according to age, education, material standard, housing conditions, legal disability status, and degrees of disability. Ten problems varying in intensity occurred according to the scope of independent moving around: material difficulties, difficulties in settling office matters, loneliness (P<0.0001), too infrequent contacts with the family, negative attitude of surroundings towards disability, material dependence on others, lack of care by relatives and friends, difficult access to environmental nurse, difficult access to services from social worker, necessity of caring for a disabled person.

Locomotor capabilities of the disabled decrease over 64. Low level of education, material standard and poor housing conditions are associated with decreased capabilities for independent moving around without limitations. The types and number of problems with which the disabled struggle depends on the scope of their capabilities for independent moving around. In every dimension of functioning disability belongs to the scope of issues of public health.
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