Health in old age, and patients’ approaches to telemedicine in Poland
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Ateneum University, Gdansk
Institute of Psychology, The Kazimierz Wielki University, Bydgoszcz, Poland
Corresponding author
Leszek Buliński   

Ateneum University, Gdansk, Gdansk, 80-802 Gdansk, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2017;24(2):322-328
Polish ageing society still experiences health-related problems and the increasing difficulties in receiving medical care. The initiation of telemedicine programmes can change this situation for better. The question arises if telemedicine is a solution that the elderly are willing to accept and take advantage of in order to raise their quality of life.

Material and methods:
Questionnaire based research was conducted in 2015 on a sample group of 312 seniors. The respondents completed the Diener Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) and the subscale of Health States from Fragebogen zur Lebenszufriedenheit (FLZ) by Fahrenberg et al. Each participant gave their consent to take part in the research.

SWLS presents a relatively stable value in the subsequent decades of being old (60-69 years M=21.93 SD=6.25; 70-79 years M=21.70 SD=5.52; 80+ M=21.38 SD=5.82). The health related quality of life (the FLZ subscale), varied in the analysed subgroups (F=7.783 p=0.000), and was related to comorbidity and polytherapy. A positive attitude towards telemedicine was expressed by 40% of those surveyed. However the seniors’ need for telemedical services was more limited and did not exceed the 10%.

In Poland in ageing there still dominates the experience of multiple ailments and polytherapy, something which justifies a search for new, easily accessible, and economically sound solutions for health care. Telemedicine is a promising solution although there is a need for concrete steps to be taken to raise willingness amongst geriatric patients to take advantage of telemedicine.
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