Haematological parameters in postpartum women and their babies in Poland – comparison of urban and rural areas
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Institute of Haematology and Transfusion Medicine, Warsaw, Poland
Institute of Haematology and Transfusion Medicine, Warsaw, Poland; Chief Sanitary Inspectorate, Warsaw, Poland
Institute of Rural Health, Lublin, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2011;18(2):380-385
Anaemia is a serious health problem in the contemporary world which affects 24.8% of the total human population. It is especially frequent among pregnant women and children. Anaemia is considered as a risk factor of an unfavourable outcome of pregnancy. More than a half of the cases of anaemia, especially among pregnant women, are caused by iron deficiency. The prevalence of anaemia worldwide is especially high among the rural population. It is estimated that the incidence of anaemia after delivery is 4-27%. Anaemia occurring in pregnant women is the cause of anaemia in newborns after birth. The objective of the study was analysis of the haematological parameters of postpartum women and newborns, with particular consideration of the comparison between urban and rural areas. The studies were conducted with the use of questionnaire forms based on the project undertaken in the USA: Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS). The survey was carried out on a single day, during the period 9-13 August 2010, in all hospitals in Poland where mothers were hospitalized with their newborns. The presented study was based on the replies concerning the results of whole blood count tests in mothers and their babies. The results of the study did not confirm any significant differences between Hct, Hb and RBC values between urban and rural mothers. In both cases, the Hct levels were at the lower limit of normal. Also, no differences with respect to the above-mentioned values were noted among the newborns, although the babies of urban mothers had a higher Hb level. The results of the studies indicate the lack of differences in the health of mothers and their newborn babies with respect to the urban or rural place of residence. Despite this, anaemia is associated with complications which are life-threatening for the mother and the baby; therefore, efforts should be undertaken in order to minimize this problem.
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