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Introduction and objective: Species of the genus Artemisia (Asteraceae) are weeds and ruderal plants growing in northern temperate regions of the world. Many of them are used in medicine and the cosmetic industry and for culinary purposes. Pollen grains of plants of this genus contain the most important aeroallergens.
Material and methods: An aerobiological study conducted with the volumetric method in Lublin in 2001–2022. Trend lines for the season parameters were established. Spearman’s correlation and stepwise regression analyses were carried out to determine relationships between various parameters of the pollen season and meteorological factors. PCA analysis was also carried out to visually compare the pollen seasons.
Results: In Lublin, central-eastern Poland, the Artemisia pollen season lasted on average from the second ten days of July to the end of August, with its beginning depending on the temperature in April and May. The highest pollen concentrations were mainly recorded in the first half of August and were largely dependent on the mean temperature in June and July. The second peak in the pollen season recorded in September was associated with the presence of Artemisia annua pollen. Intense sunshine in June and the higher temperatures in June and July resulted in significant reduction in the Artemisia annual pollen sum (by 65%) over 22 years. Artemisia vulgaris is abundant in the Lublin region and contributes substantially to the amount of Artemisia pollen in the aeroplankton.
Conclusions: The downward trend in the amount of Artemisia pollen was a result of the increase in temperatures observed in the summer months, and the declining rainfall rates. The global warming effect is extremely unfavourable for plants of Artemisia vulgaris, as they require moist soil substrates for growth.
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