Factors determining health behaviours of the 50+ population with cardiovascular diseases
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Jan Grodek State Vocational Academy, Sanok, Poland
State University of Applied Sciences, Kalisz, Poland
Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Medical University, Łódź, Poland
Corresponding author
Izabela Gąska   

Jan Grodek State Vocational Academy in Sanok, Mickiewicza 21, 38-500, Sanok, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2020;27(1):99-105
The biggest threat to life are cardiovascular diseases which are a serious problem in Poland, Europe, and worldwide. Therefore, it has become important to have proper health behaviours which significantly eliminate the occurrence and development of cardiovascular diseases.

The main aim of this study is to present factors that determine health behaviours of the 50+ population with cardiovascular diseases.

Material and methods:
The study was carried out among 411 individuals aged over 50 with cardiovascular diseases. The method used was a diagnostic survey. The study involved an authors’ survey questionnaire and the Inventory of Health-Related Behaviours (IHB). A detailed statistical analysis was carried out in the R programme, version 3.5.1.

The most common disease in the study group was coronary heart disease – 63.75%. The majority of respondents showed (via Inventory of Health-Related Behaviour [IHB]) that the level of their health behaviours was moderate – 41.12%; the highest level of health behaviours in the study group were related to health practices, while a slightly lower level was observed in the area of positive mental attitude. Statistical significance was also found between the level of intensity of health behaviours and age, gender, BMI, place of residence, education, professional activity and marital status of the respondents.

Anti-health behaviours were predominant among the respondents; significant demographic and social factors determining health behaviour were determined, such as age and gender; a high level of health behaviours was found in the group of women with higher education and correct body mass, living in cities and married.
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