Exposure to bacterial endotoxin during conservative dental treatment.
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Department of Paedodontics, Medical University of Lublin, Poland.
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2005;12(1):137-139
The aim of the study was to determine bacterial endotoxin concentrationin the water flowing from a high-speed handpiece of a dental unit and in the air contained in the bioaerosolformed during dental conservative treatment. The air was collected in the space between the patient anddentist. The study was conducted on 25 operative sites (units) and had two stages: before applicationof a dental unit waterline (DUWL) disinfectant and after a 2-week application of disinfection procedure.The research showed that the mean concentration of bacterial endotoxin in the water flowing from high-speedhandpieces was significantly reduced after the use of a disinfectant. The mean concentration of bacterialendotoxin in the air was similar at both stages - before and after application of waterline decontaminationprocedure. The study showed that in dental air-water aerosol, water is the main source of bacterial endotoxincontaminating the aerosol during the work with dental handpieces. Application of a user-friendly waterdisinfectant to significantly decrease endotoxin concentration in the DUWL water and in the aerosol,is one of recommended methods to reduce health risk.