Epidemiological analysis of diseases of children and adolescents requiring neurological and mobility rehabilitation in the Świętokrzyskie Rehabilitation Center in Czarniecka Góra, Poland
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Department of Nursing, School of Management, Częstochowa, Poland
The Independent Regional Public Psychiatric Hospital, Radom, Poland
Department of Epidemiology, Institute of Social Medicine, Warsaw Medical University, Poland
Corresponding author
Bożena Kosińska   

The Independent Regional Public Psychiatric Hospital, Radom, Poland
Ann Agric Environ Med. 2016;23(2):259-263
Introduction and objective:
Epidemiological analysis of the dynamics of admissions and patient characteristics is presented concerning 5,955 children and adolescents (3–18 years of age) hospitalized in 2007–2013 with neurological and mobility diseases in Świętokrzyskie Rehabilitation Centre (ŚRC) in southern Poland.

Material and Methods:
Within the period of 7 years, 18,647 patients were admitted to the ŚRC, of whom 9,546 were admitted to the daily ward and 9,109 to the stationary wards. 5,955 were children and adolescents aged 3–18, 1,499 were children aged 3–13 and almost three times more were patients aged 14–18. The correlation between the number of admissions in each year and the number of those hospitalized depending on the age and diagnosis was examined.

In the discussed period, in both age ranges, the group of deforming dorsopathies dominated, while cerebral palsy was the second most common cause of hospitalization, and the and post-traumatic disorder the smallest number. In the diagnoses of cerebral palsy and post-traumatic disease, boys constituted most of the hospitalized. In contrast, girls dominated in the group of deforming dorsopathies.

Analysis of the material of 5,955 patients revealed a number of quantitative data which assisted in the analysis of the epidemiological situation of this group of diseases – necessary for the planning of highly specialized treatment and rehabilitation. The greatest needs in terms of admissions to the ŚRC concerned the group of adolescents aged 14–18. The results of combined rehabilitation indicated the full use of places in the Świętokrzyskie Rehabilitation Center and also indicated the need for similar provincial and even regional centres.
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